Everyone wants something, and everyone is capable of doing amazing things. Still, we often do not live up to our potential, and thus, we operate and remain far below our potential possibilities.
The MotivStrukturAnalyse MSA® (MSA) is a scientifically German-based personality analysis that shows the individual characteristics of the 18 basic motives. Using these 18 basic motives, the MSA can record and visualise our inner drivers. The MSA reveals and unlocks your potential and helps you understand what drives others.
By mapping the motivational values and drives of people, the intrinsic drive and motivational potential of a human being, we can clarify why we act the way we do and what brings us joy.
Completion of assessment: ~ 20 minutes
1-2-1 Coaching session with executive coach: 90 minutes
(Instructions follow by email after completed payment)
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